我写苹果(Apple)博客已经五年多了,各路人马对苹果公司的看法我都有所耳闻。这些人中既有狂热的果粉,也有盲目的跟风者,既有人云亦云的墙头草,也不缺少对苹果深恶痛绝的人。究竟是怎么样的一家公司才能如此惹来这么多争议? 我列出了以下10点。敬请随意添加。 •苹果骄傲自大。“苹果设计的Mac是世界上最好用的个人电脑……”* •苹果非常封闭。看看应用程序商店的种种条款就知道了。 •苹果喜欢绝对的控制权。还记得奥多比(Adobe)Flash吗? •苹果很贪婪。看看这个手握1,447亿美元的葛朗台都干了些什么? •苹果的产品售价太高。戴尔(Dell)电脑只要299美元。 •苹果的东西不管用。苹果地图一塌糊涂。 •苹果是华尔街的宠儿。每股705美元? •苹果是华尔街的替罪羊。市场已经证明了这点。 •苹果已经不复当年之勇。蒂姆•库克功力还是不够。 •苹果迟早要完蛋。安息吧!乔帮主。(财富中文网) *星号标注部分引用自苹果官方公告。 译者:项航 |
After more than five years writing an Apple (AAPL) blog, I think I've heard 'em all, from fanboy and lemming to sheeple and iCrap. What is it about this company that attracts such passionate detractors? I've started a list. Feel free to add. •Apple is arrogant."Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world..."* •Apple is closed.Look at the walls around the App Store. •Apple wants total dominance.Remember Adobe Flash? •Apple is greedy.What's it doing with $144.7 billion? •Apple's stuff is overpriced.I can buy a Dell for $299. •Apple's stuff doesn't work.Just look at the Maps app. •Apple is the darling of Wall Street.$705 a share? •Apple is Wall Street's goat.Mr. Market has spoken. •Apple has lost its mojo.Just one name: Tim Cook. •Apple is doomed.R.I.P. Steve Jobs. *From the boilerplate at the end of Apple's press releases. |