

Andrew Nusca,Robert Hackett,Shalene Gupta 2014年08月05日


    Pinterest是一家以图片为主的社交网络,数据科学家安德莉亚•伯班克主要负责该公司的A/B测试,评估公司网站、APP的外观或功能变化会对它的6000万全球用户产生哪些影响。如果Pinterest网站上的某个小模块让你想邀请朋友也来玩一玩,或是某一封它发来的推荐邮件让你关注了更多话题,那么这很可能就是伯班克团队的那只“看不见的手”起了作用。她在今年三月的一次行业会议上表示:“为了今后能为几十亿用户提供服务,我们已经针对几百万用户做了数百次试验。”试验还拓展到了Pinterest自身的运营上。伯班克最大的成就之一,就是给Pinterest的其他员工赋权,让他们也能开展试验。她表示:“以前只有一个故障点,但也只有一个知识点,现在不同了。”——Andrew Nusca

    Andrea Burbank, Data Scientist, Pinterest

    At the image-focused social network Pinterest, data scientist Andrea Burbank leads A/B testing, evaluating how changes in the look or functionality of its website, mobile application, or communications impact the behavior of its roughly 60 million users worldwide. When a small module convinces you to invite a friend to the service, or a recommendation email induces you to follow more boards, it’s likely that Burbank and her team have their invisible hands on it. “I’ve watched hundreds of experiments go by on millions of users for a combination of billions of user days,” she said at an industry event in March. The testing extends to the company’s own processes, too. One of Burbank’s big wins was democratizing the ability for other Pinterest employees to run experiments. “Before, there was a single point of failure, but also a single point of knowledge,” she said. Not anymore. —Andrew Nusca

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