

Andrew Nusca,Robert Hackett,Shalene Gupta 2014年08月05日


    阿诺•康代尔从小就生长在一个科研氛围浓厚的环境中。他出生于瑞士一个叫做下锡根塔尔的小村子,这个村子恰好位于拥有欧洲顶级粒子加速实验室的保罗谢尔学院(Paul Scherrer Institute)和欧洲大陆最著名的科技院校苏黎士联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)之间。在学习粒子物理学和超级计算机学期间,康代尔曾经在电脑上建立过宇宙的模型。后来他搬到美国加利福尼亚州,在斯坦福大学直线加速器中心的全国加速实验室中工作(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory),后来又开始创业,成为Skytree公司的创始工程师,并且设计了几套高性能的机器学习算法。现在他是Oxdata公司h2o数据分析平台的核心开发者,他开发的这个h2o平台,被编程社区GitHub的成员誉为最优秀的开源Java机器学习项目,而且它还可以兼容流行的统计编程语言——R语言。他在Oxdata公司的头衔是“物理学家兼黑客”。——Robert Hackett

    Arno Candel, Physicist and Hacker, 0xdata

    Arno Candel caught the science bug early. He grew up in Untersiggenthal, Switzerland, a small village wedged between a top particle accelerator lab at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zürich, continental Europe’s most prestigious technical university. Studying particle physics and supercomputing, Candel coded models of the universe on computers. After moving to California to work at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, he moved to the startup world, joining Skytree as a founding engineer and designing high-performance machine learning algorithms. At 0xdata he is a core developer on the data science platform known as h2o, which has been ranked the number one open-source Java machine learning project by members of the coding community GitHub. The platform enables deep learning and is compatible with the popular statistical programming language R. His title at the company? “Physicist & Hacker,” of course. —Robert Hackett

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