

Andrew Nusca,Robert Hackett,Shalene Gupta 2014年08月05日


    很多人可能很难相信,曲艳(音译)的工作影响了95%的美国读者。曲艳在社交网站公司ShareThis开发了一个叫做“社交质量指数”(Social Quality Index)的指标,可以衡量围绕一定网络内容的社交活动,并帮助广告主和出版商锁定目标群体。曲艳表示:“技术方面并不难,难的是怎样发现一个商业问题,然后把技术应用上去。”曲艳在卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)获得了自然语言处理专业博士学位。在进入ShareThis工作前,她还曾领导过美国在线(AOL)的Advertising.com的Advance Research研究团队。现在,她很喜欢迎接移动电话带来的挑战,而且手机也不允许网站植入cookies来确认重复访客。这些都需要曲艳收集更多的数据。——Shalene Gupta

    Yan Qu, Vice President of Data Science, ShareThis

    It may be hard to believe, but Yan Qu’s work impacts 95% of American readers. At the social web company ShareThis, she developed a Social Quality Index that measures the social activity around online content and helps advertisers and publishers target the right audiences. “The technical side isn’t hard,” she says. “What’s hard is identifying a business problem to apply the technical side to.” Qu is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, where she received her doctorate in natural language processing. Before ShareThis, she led the Advance Research team at AOL’s Advertising.com. Today, she's excited about tackling challenges presented by mobile phones, which don’t allow sites to plant cookies to identify repeat visitors. It's all part of an effort to collect—you guessed it—more data. —Shalene Gupta

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