

Andrew Nusca,Robert Hackett,Shalene Gupta 2014年08月05日


    自从IBM的“智能”电脑系统沃森(Watson)在电视智力节目Jeopardy中战胜了人类对手之后,IBM还想试试它到底能把智能计算的边界推到多远。最近IBM决定让沃森进军烹饪界。作为一名受过专业训练的厨师,弗罗里安•皮内尔也是IBM的“认知烹饪”团队的一员。皮内尔表示:“我们之所以把重点放在美食上,是因为美食是大家都关心的东西,而且我们可以很容易地创造出原型产品。现在我能把对食物和计算机科学的热情融合在一起,这令我大喜过望。”这个团队首先从各种食材和调料着手,但是他们研发的各种食物的组合呈指数级增长,催生出了大量潜在的美食食谱。比如在今年德州奥斯汀的SxSW大会上,沃森系统就在IBM的美食卡车上发明了一种澳洲巧克力卷饼,食材包括巧克力、牛肉糜、青豆和大豆。听起来虽然是一道很难吃的菜,不过皮内尔却表示:“它大获成功,非常好吃。所以我们的目的就是要启发用户,帮助他们开发他们自己永远想不到的美食配方。”——Robert Hackett

    Florian Pinel, Senior Software Engineer, IBM's Watson & Cognitive Cooking group

    After IBM’s "intelligent" computer system Watson trounced its opponents on Jeopardy!, the company wanted to see how else it could push the boundaries of cognitive computing. Since Watson withstood the pressure so well—it brought plenty of its own heat on its human competition—IBM decided to bring the system into the kitchen. (Literally.) A professional chef by training, Florian Pinel is a member of the “Cognitive Cooking” team unleashing Watson’s creative potential. “We focused on food because its something everyone cares about and we could easily create prototype,” Pinel says. “I was extremely pleasantly surprised to combine both my passion for food and computer science.” The team begins with a set of fundamental ingredients and compounds, but their combinations grow exponentially into vast numbers of potentially tasty recipes. At an IBM food truck at the SxSW conference in Austin, Texas this year, Chef Watson invented an Austrian chocolate burrito that contained chocolate, ground beef, edamame, and apricot. Sounds awful, and yet: “It worked. It was really good.” Pinel says. “We’re here to inspire users and to help them discover combinations they would never have thought of.” —Robert Hackett

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