EXAMPLE: The jealous manager used to steal his best staff members’ thunder and falsely claim that their ideas were his.
这位好忌妒的经理总是窃取手下最佳员工的果实,冒称他们的创意都是他的。  2013-01-31
EXAMPLE: My uncle was an important executive at work, but my aunt ruled the roost at home, and he never questioned her judgment about any domestic matters.
我叔叔在工作上是位重要的高管,但我婶婶当家,他从来不质疑婶婶在家庭事务上的任何意见。  2013-01-30
EXAMPLE: My boss always keeps the fluctuations in our business in perspective and remains patient and thoughtful regardless of the situation.
我的老板总是理性对待我们业务上的起伏,不管形势怎么样,始终保持耐心和周密的思考。  2013-01-29
EXAMPLE: The group of medical researchers investigating malaria say they are on to something and may have an important announcement to make soon.
这支调查疟疾的医学研究小组已经有了发现,可能很快就将发布重要声明。  2013-01-28
EXAMPLE: I was tickled to death when I met my favorite former teacher in the park last Sunday after not seeing him for twenty years.
上周日,我在公园里遇到了我从前最喜欢的老师,我有20年没见到他了,特别高兴。  2013-01-25
EXAMPLE: My sister loves clothes and is always reading fashion magazines to discover what will be the next big thing.
我的姐妹喜欢服装,总是在看时装杂志,寻找未来的主流样式。  2013-01-24
EXAMPLE: Our new communications network must have five nines functionality and rarely need to be shut down.
我们新的通讯系统必须保持全天正常运行,基本不需要关机。  2013-01-23
EXAMPLE: When I work for a company, I like to work hard and make a real contribution; I don’t like to be merely a bench warmer.我为某家公司工作时,我喜欢努力工作并做出实际的贡献,不想干闲职。  2013-01-22
EXAMPLE: When I failed to get the promotion I wanted at work, I was so down in the dumps that for several days I considered leaving the company.
我没有获得所想要的提拔,情绪特别低落,一连好几天都想着离开公。  2013-01-21
EXAMPLE:f your direct deposit income decreases, your credit limit may also decrease.
如果您的直接存款收入下降,您的信用贷款限额也可能下降。  2013-01-18
EXAMPLE:They argue for administrative steps to improve consumption without decelerating investment.
他们主张采取行政手段,在不导致投资减速的前提下扩大消费。  2013-01-17
EXAMPLE: If we say the independence of America and the founding of the united states were a historical inevitability, then having Washington as the founding father was a blessing for the Americans.
如果说,美国独立和美利坚合众国的成立是历史的必然,应该说,有华盛顿这样的开国元勋是美国人的幸运。  2013-01-16
EXAMPLE: Readers may take issue with some of Saylor's views on the benefits of mobile technology, but the visionary picture he paints of the future is captivating, informative, and thought-provoking.
读者或许会对绥勒有关移动技术给人类社会带来好处的某些观点提出异议,但他为未来所描绘的梦幻前景确是让人着迷、增长见识并发人深省。  2013-01-15
EXAMPLE: After the difficulty of bus ride was settled, hominization demands on bus internal environment (BIE)such as safety, easiness, health, and high efficiency come forth.
社会在解决了人们“乘车难”的矛盾之后,公交车内环境的安全、舒适、健康、高效等的人性化需求矛盾就凸显出来了。  2013-01-14
EXAMPLE: After the accounting scandal in our company, our president offered to fall on his sword and resign, but the board of directors persuaded him to stay.
在公司发生会计丑闻后,我们的总裁主动将责任揽在自己身上并提出辞职,但董事会劝他留下。  2013-01-11
EXAMPLE: As a stock broker I am very careful about my suggestions, and I never want to burn someone down.
作为股票经纪人,我对我的建议非常谨慎,我绝不想害了别人。  2013-01-10
EXAMPLE: In general every employee is expected to obey company policies, but they are not etched in stone, and so exceptions can be made when reasonable and necessary.
总的来说,所有员工都要遵守公司的政策,但政策不是死的,只要合理和有必要,也可以破例。  2013-01-09
EXAMPLE: My brother is a road warrior who must travel two or three times every week to visit customers in cities far from his home.
我的兄弟是位经常出差的商人,每周要出差两到三次,到离家很远的城市去拜访客户。  2013-01-08
EXAMPLE: The air cargo company needs to replace its old flying coffins with a fleet of new, dependable aircraft before there’s a tragedy.
这家航空货运公司必须用一批可靠的新飞机替换它的破旧飞机,以免发生惨剧。  2013-01-07
EXAMPLE: We need to raise the compensation of our best sales representatives before they become flight risks.
我们需要提高最佳销售员的报酬,以免他们萌生去意。  2013-01-06

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