EXAMPLE: Our oldest committee member says little at meetings, but his comments are always apposite, and we listen to them with care.
我们最年长的委员在会议上说话不多,但他的观点总是特别恰当,我们都会认真听。 2016-01-29
我们最年长的委员在会议上说话不多,但他的观点总是特别恰当,我们都会认真听。 2016-01-29
EXAMPLE: Highly sensitive scientific observations may require permillage calculations to identify tiny but significant changes in the data.
高敏感的科学观测可能需要千分率计算,以找出数据中微小但是重要的变化。 2016-01-28
高敏感的科学观测可能需要千分率计算,以找出数据中微小但是重要的变化。 2016-01-28
EXAMPLE: A few broken towers and an old stone gateway are today's only remnants of the ancient city's great protective walls.
今天,这座古城雄伟的护城墙只剩下了几座破败的望楼和一扇旧石门。 2015-12-24
今天,这座古城雄伟的护城墙只剩下了几座破败的望楼和一扇旧石门。 2015-12-24
EXAMPLE: The pugnacious young sales representative often insults his older colleagues, and contradicts their advice quite aggressively.
这位好斗的年轻销售代表经常羞辱年长的同事,严厉反驳他们的提议。 2015-12-23
这位好斗的年轻销售代表经常羞辱年长的同事,严厉反驳他们的提议。 2015-12-23
EXAMPLE: Despite his many financial problems, the optimistic young executive did not repine, and always expressed a bright, confident attitude.
尽管出了很多财务问题,这位乐观的年轻高管并不懊恼,始终展现出乐观、自信的态度。 2015-12-22
尽管出了很多财务问题,这位乐观的年轻高管并不懊恼,始终展现出乐观、自信的态度。 2015-12-22
EXAMPLE: After the terrible war ended, we discovered many of the heinous crimes committed by the enemy, who killed thousands of innocent people.
在可怕的战争结束之后,我们发现了敌人的很多极其丑恶的战争罪行,成千上万的无辜百姓遭到了屠杀。 2015-12-21
在可怕的战争结束之后,我们发现了敌人的很多极其丑恶的战争罪行,成千上万的无辜百姓遭到了屠杀。 2015-12-21
EXAMPLE: The cynical company owner trusted none of his employees, and always equivocated when they asked him questions about the business.
这位愤世嫉俗的公司老板不相信手下的任何员工,每当员工询问公司的业务情况时,他总是兜圈子。 2015-12-18
这位愤世嫉俗的公司老板不相信手下的任何员工,每当员工询问公司的业务情况时,他总是兜圈子。 2015-12-18
EXAMPLE: My brilliant but diffident young assistant needs constant encouragement from me to speak up and share his insights.
我的年轻助理很聪明,但是缺乏自信,需要我不断鼓励,才能畅所欲言,分享他的见解。 2015-12-17
我的年轻助理很聪明,但是缺乏自信,需要我不断鼓励,才能畅所欲言,分享他的见解。 2015-12-17
EXAMPLE: The famous novelist was renowned for her exquisite concinnity.
这位著名的小说家以她精致优美的文体而著称。 2015-12-16
这位著名的小说家以她精致优美的文体而著称。 2015-12-16
EXAMPLE: A great river of lava began to spew from the volcano's crater with a deep, trembling roar.
一大股岩浆开始从火山口喷出,发生深沉而可怕的吼声。 2015-12-15
一大股岩浆开始从火山口喷出,发生深沉而可怕的吼声。 2015-12-15
EXAMPLE: A team of itinerant nurses visit the mountainous region's remote villages each month to provide basic health care.
一个流动护士团队每月到访这座山区里的偏僻村庄,提供基本的卫生保健。 2015-12-14
一个流动护士团队每月到访这座山区里的偏僻村庄,提供基本的卫生保健。 2015-12-14
EXAMPLE: Poor health was the inevitable result of his lack of exercise, excessive smoking, and bad eating habits.
他身体不好,这是缺乏锻炼、吸烟过多和不良饮食习惯的必然后果。 2015-12-11
他身体不好,这是缺乏锻炼、吸烟过多和不良饮食习惯的必然后果。 2015-12-11
EXAMPLE: The elderly professor's lectures often divagated into odd topics unrelated to his primary subject.
这位老教授讲课时经常跑偏到与他的主科不相关的奇怪话题上。 2015-12-10
这位老教授讲课时经常跑偏到与他的主科不相关的奇怪话题上。 2015-12-10
EXAMPLE: The floors in my siste's luxurious apartment are covered with costly, glandaceous carpeting.
我姐姐的豪宅里的地板上铺着昂贵的淡黄色地毯。 2015-12-09
我姐姐的豪宅里的地板上铺着昂贵的淡黄色地毯。 2015-12-09
EXAMPLE: The travelers were charmed by the ineffable beauty of the mountain lake at dawn.
旅行者被这座山间湖泊在黎明时分难以表达的美丽陶醉了。 2015-12-08
旅行者被这座山间湖泊在黎明时分难以表达的美丽陶醉了。 2015-12-08
EXAMPLE: Good government seeks to improve the commonweal.
好政府谋求增进国民幸福。 2015-12-07
好政府谋求增进国民幸福。 2015-12-07
EXAMPLE: The young boy's story was an amalgam of facts and his imagination.
这个小伙子的故事夹杂着事实与想像。 2015-12-04
这个小伙子的故事夹杂着事实与想像。 2015-12-04
EXAMPLE: I have known and trusted our accountant for many years, so I believe your suspicions of his dishonesty are quite unwarranted.
我认识和信任我们的会计很多年,所以我认为你怀疑他不诚实基本没有根据。 2015-12-03
我认识和信任我们的会计很多年,所以我认为你怀疑他不诚实基本没有根据。 2015-12-03
EXAMPLE: The airplane we will take for our journey over the mountains is filled with cargo and passengers, so we cannot take any superfluous baggage.
我们将要乘坐的、飞越这些山脉的飞机载满了货物和乘客,所以我们无法带多余的行李了。 2015-12-02
我们将要乘坐的、飞越这些山脉的飞机载满了货物和乘客,所以我们无法带多余的行李了。 2015-12-02
EXAMPLE: My stubborn business partners insist on long, pointless arguments about even the smallest details of our business, a practice which wastes a lot of time.
我那顽固的商业伙伴总是对我们的业务发表无意义的长篇大论,哪怕是最微小的细节也不放过,这么做浪费了大量的时间。 2015-12-01
我那顽固的商业伙伴总是对我们的业务发表无意义的长篇大论,哪怕是最微小的细节也不放过,这么做浪费了大量的时间。 2015-12-01