

Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日





    虽然该加拿大银行目前布局全球,在逾55个国家都有业务,但它仍鼓励员工立足本地。该公司的光明未来计划(Bright Future Program)致力于在六大领域回馈社会:文化与艺术、教育、环境、卫生、社会服务及体育。仅在去年一年,丰业银行员工通过该计划总计为当地各项社会事业做了超过42万小时义工。另外,员工也可以自主组建专项员工资源小组。八成员工都参与了丰业银行的员工持股计划。一名员工称:“丰业银行总会参与社区主办的活动,并且在社区中享有美誉。去看电影、观看国家冰上曲棍球联盟(NHL)比赛和募捐活动时总能看到我们银行的名字,这让我感到自豪。”

    11. Scotiabank

    Revenue: $20,930 million

    Headquarters: Toronto

    Employees: 86,949

    Though the Canadian bank has a presence across the globe operating in more than 55 countries, it encourages its employees to act locally. The company’s Bright Future Program focuses on giving back to communities in six areas: arts and culture, education, environment, health, social services and sports. Last year alone, Scotiabank employees volunteered more than 420,000 hours to local causes through the program. They’re also given the autonomy to start their own specialized employee resource groups. Eight out of 10 employees have bought into Scotiabank’s share ownership program. Says one employee, “Scotiabank is always involved in community sponsored events, and it is well known in the community. I’m always proud to see our name when I go to the movies, NHL games, and fundraisers.”

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