
我们都知道苹果公司(Apple)一季度卖出了多少部智能手机:35,064,000部。苹果公司的新闻稿以及该公司提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的Form 10-Q季度报表中都可找到这个数字。 然而,我们只能猜测三星(Samsung)到底售出了多少部智能手机,因为尽管该公司在周五发布了季度财报,但自从去年以来,它已经不再发布销量数据。 因此,要想了解三星的销量,我们只能依靠市场调研公司,然而这类公司之间的意见并不统一。 据分析公司Strategy Analytics称,在三月份这一季度,三星的智能手机发货量为4,450万部(实际销量不一定是这么多),重新夺回了去年12月被苹果抢走的销量冠军宝座。 但是,据iSuppli分析公司称,三星的发货量为3,200万部,比苹果的销售总量少了几百万部。 不过,两家公司一致认为,三星已经取代了诺基亚(Nokia),成为全球最大的手机制造商(包括智能机和非智能机),但对于三星的产量究竟比诺基亚高出多少,两家公司存在分歧。Strategy Analytics估计三星在该季度的手机发货量为9,350万部,而同期诺基亚的发货量为8,270万部。但iSuppli称三星的总发货量为9,200万部。 译者:项航 |
We know how many smartphones Apple (AAPL) sold last quarter: 35,064,000. It's right there in their press release and in their SEC Form 10-Q. We can only guess how many Samsung sold because although they released their quarterly earnings Friday, the company -- continuing a policy it adopted last year -- no longer shares that kind of information. For that we have to rely on market research firms, and they disagree. According to Strategy Analytics, Samsung shipped (but not necessarily sold) 44.5 million smartphones in the March quarter, regaining the lead it lost to Apple in December. According to iSuppli, Samsung shipped 32 million, a few million shy of Apple's total. Both firms agree that Samsung has now overtaken Nokia (NOK) as the No. 1 manufacturer of mobile phones, smart and dumb, but they disagree by how much. Strategy Analytics estimates that Samsung shipped 93.5 million handsets in the quarter to Nokia's 82.7 million. iSuppli puts Samsung's total at 92 million. |