“兼听则明,因为有些情况可能出人意料,”他建议说。“采取这样的做法后,人们最终往往感叹:‘我从来没想过是这样。’”结果,有时候,他们最终觉得,还是继续留在当前的工作职位上更舒服。在公司里尤为如此,比如中层管理人员就会比明星销售人员更容易受到裁员的影响。 如果在衡量过所有优势和劣势后,依然希望能更上一层楼,特雷西的新书中提供了大量有用的建议。他写道,获得提升的最保险的方式是:要求承担更多的责任,并且在接受额外任务后,快速高效地完成。“建立高效、可靠的信誉才是最重要的。不论付出什么代价,在接受每一项任务时,都要把它当作事关未来职业发展的一次测试。”特别是在当前动荡不安的经济形势下,尤其是如此。 反馈:您是否有过从技术类或销售类职位提升到管理职位的经历?您需要在哪方面做出最大的调整?欢迎留言评论。 译者:阿龙/汪皓 |
"Be open to information that may surprise you," he suggests. "Often when people do that, they end up saying, 'Wow, I had no idea.'" Sometimes, as a result, they also decide they're better off in the jobs they already have. That's particularly true in companies, for example, where middle managers are more vulnerable to layoffs than star salespeople will ever be. For anyone who has weighed all the pros and cons and still hankers to take the next step up the ladder, Tracy's book is packed with useful advice on how to get there. One of the surest ways to move up, he writes: Keep asking for more responsibility and, when you take on extra tasks, do them quickly and well. "Few things are more important than a reputation for speed and reliability," he writes. "Whatever it takes, treat every assignment you receive as if it were a test upon which your future career depended." Especially in this still-shaky economy, it is. Talkback: Have you been promoted from a technical or sales position into a management job? What was the biggest adjustment you had to make? Leave a comment below. |