三星Chromebox疑似抄袭苹果Mac Mini

三星(Samsung)Chromebox Series 3自今年5月推出以来,至少已有六篇关于该产品的评测。Chromebox Series 3定价330美元,是一款不带键盘和屏幕、运行谷歌(Google)Chrome操作系统的电脑。亚马逊(Amazon)本周已开始通过电子邮件向客户推销这款产品。 但仅有一位评论者——瘾科技(Engadget)的米里安•琼瑞——提到Chromebox酷似苹果(Apple)的一款产品。 琼瑞写道:“苹果应该感到荣幸,或者它应该准备好律师团队。三星的Chromebox酷似苹果的Mac mini,两款产品都是一模一样的7.6英寸的正方形,圆角(Chromebox的半径较小一些),银边(Chromebox采用银色塑料来代替铝)。Chromebox更薄(厚度为1.3英寸,Mac mini为1.4英寸),更轻,而且与Mac mini的一体式铝合金外壳不同,Chromebox采用的是看起来十分廉价的黑色亚光顶盖,上面印有醒目的三星和Chrome标志。” 莫非是科技媒体已经对三星山寨苹果的产品设计习以为常,所以对这样的现象已经不屑一提? 我很好奇,不知道亚马逊有没有将推销Chromebox的电子邮件发送给苹果与三星纠纷案中的陪审团成员…… 感谢英国读者克里斯•惠尔为笔者提供本文的线索。
译者:项航 |
Since it was introduced in May there have been at least half a dozen reviews of Samsung's Chromebox Series 3, a $330 keyboard-and-screen-free computer running Google's (GOOG) Chrome OS that Amazon (AMZN) began promoting in e-mails to customers this week. But only one reviewer -- Engadget's Myriam Joire -- bothered to mention the Chromebox's uncanny resemblance to a product Apple (AAPL) sells. "Apple should be flattered," she wrote, "either that, or it should be readying its army of lawyers. Samsung's Chromebox looks very much like a Mac mini, with the exact same 7.6-inch-square footprint, rounded corners (using a smaller radius) and silver rim (made of painted plastic instead of aluminum). It's thinner (1.3 inches vs. 1.4 inches), lighter and eschews that unibody aluminum shell for a rather cheap looking matte black plastic top cover featuring prominent Samsung and Chrome logos." Could it be that the tech press is so inured to Samsung's habit of replicating Apple's designs that it hardly bears mentioning? I wonder if Amazon sent its Chromebox e-mail to anyone in the Apple v. Samsung jury... Thanks to reader Chris Whear in the U.K. for the tip. |