戴尔(Dell)第二季度财报不尽如人意,而上周三,科技网站MacDailyNews落井下石,狠狠扇了创始人迈克•戴尔一记响亮耳光,它再度提到戴尔在1997年时对苹果(Apple)运营做出的一番评论。 “我该做什么呢?把它关闭,然后把资金还给股东。” MacDailyNews展示了一份以戴尔市值为衡量单位的苹果增长情况数据,结果显示,迈克•戴尔1997年想甩卖的苹果公司目前市值高达戴尔公司的30倍以上。(最新消息:截至上周三收盘时段,两者差距已接近31倍。) 当然,戴尔并不是唯一苦苦挣扎的Windows系统PC制造商。上周三,难兄难弟惠普(Hewlett-Packard )也公布了公司历史上最严重的季度亏损。 为了更好地衡量苹果与戴尔的市值,我们列出了八家高新科技公司的市值对比结果,其中包括微软(Microsoft)、谷歌(Google)、英特尔(Intel)、亚马逊(Amazon)、Facebook和惠普。 译者:项航 |
MacDailyNews on Wednesday used the occasion of Dell's (DELL) dismal second quarter earnings report to rub Michael Dell's face once again in his 1997 remark about what he'd do if he ran Apple: "What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders." In a post that charts Apple's (AAPL) growth in units of Dell, MacDailyNews points out that the company Michael Dell would have sold in 1997 is now worth more than 30 Dells. (UPDATE: At Wednesday's close the multiple was closer to 31.) Dell, of course, is not the only Windows PC maker that is suffering. Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday reported the largest quarterly loss in its history. To put the Apple-Dell valuation ratio in perspective, we offer the chart above showing the market caps of eight high-tech companies, including Microsoft (MSFT), Google (GOOG), Intel (INTC), Amazon (AMZN), Facebook (FB) and HP (HPQ). |