






专栏 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2012年12月17日

杰奥夫·科尔文(Geoff Colvin)为《财富》杂志高级编辑、专栏作家。美国在管理与领导力、全球化、股东价值创造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的评论员之一。拥有纽约大学斯特恩商学院MBA学位,哈佛大学经济学荣誉学位。

    这的确是当前的趋势,但即便如此,我们的有线语音账户仍增加了几十万个,这是因为它不仅仅是有线语音,还是一项物超所值的服务。如果照看孩子的保姆手机无法接通,你肯定想拨打家里的座机,确定是否有人会接听,这对于用户来说,价值是多少呢?曾经可能价值100美元,今天或许只有25美元。有许多人说:“你知道吗?有线服务只是作为我家安保系统的备用设备。”我们也在努力将有线技术进行捆绑,而不是作为一种独立的产品。通过有线技术,我可以把语音留言转录,并以电子邮件的形式发给我。我希望在电视上和在视频聊天的时候,能显示我的通讯录和我生活的方方面面。通过有线技术提供的一体化的电信体验,与我们的生活依然息息相关。不过,我们同时也在关注无线技术,因为它显然是目前的增长点所在。但我们希望寻找合作伙伴,而不是建立属于自己的无线网络,因为目前这么做的时机并不成熟。威瑞森无线(Verizon Wireless)已将其所有产品向我们的客户和技术人员开放,以便实现创新。如此一来,我们就可将客户的Xfinity家用产品与其平板电脑、移动电视、下载内容、用户喜好、个人记录等无缝整合,然后通过威瑞森无线网络在特定市场进行销售,为用户提供卓越的服务。


    之前,我们有很多竞争对手——直播电视集团(DirecTV)、碟形网络公司(Dish Network)、威瑞森、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)等。竞争迫使我们加大了创新力度,增加了更多高清节目,促使我们加强了对宽带和电话的重视。在住宅业务方面,我们发展最快的是宽带。这款产品已有十年时间;通常情况下,我们察觉不到增长的速度。我们还调整了公司策略,开始将同一个产品系列应用于商业。公司增长最快的部分是将同一款产品针对商业应用进行修改,然后将其提供给中小型企业。开辟新业务之后不到五年时间里,我们就将实现超过50%的营业利润率,实现数十亿美元的收入。

    过去十年,我们面临的竞争愈加激烈,但公司现金流每年都在增加。 之前我们无法提供最优秀的产品,结果流失了很多客户。现在似乎我们能够重新赢得他们的信任,这种感觉太好了。




    While that is certainly the trend, we still are adding hundreds of thousands of wireline voice accounts because it's more than wireline voice. It's a great bargain. If the babysitter's cellphone doesn't work, you want to call your house and make sure somebody answers -- how much is that worth to you? One day it was $100. Today maybe it's $25. There's a number at which a lot of people say, "You know what? Just as a backup for my home security system." We've also tried to bundle our wireline technologies to be more than a standalone product. I can get my voicemail transcribed and sent to me as e-mail. I want to be able to have my address book and all my life come up on my TV and video chat. The whole telecommunications experience through a wire is still very relevant. That being said, as we looked at wireless, which is clearly the growth engine, we wanted to partner rather than build our own. It just did not seem viable at this time to do something like that. So Verizon Wireless has opened up all their products to our customers and to our technologists to innovate, so we can make for consumers a seamless world between our Xfinity home products and your tablets, your TV on the go, your downloading, your preferences, your history, all coming together, and then market it with Verizon Wireless in certain markets where we give great deals to consumers.

    You've been losing traditional cable subscribers for several years. Why did that happen, and why does it now seem to be stopping?

    We had more competition -- DirecTV (DTV), Dish Network (DISH), Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T). It forced us to innovate, to get more high def, to have more emphasis on broadband and phone. The fastest-growing part of our residential company is broadband. It's a 10-year-old product; you don't usually see your rate of growth increasing. We've also adjusted our strategy by going into businesses with the same product suite. The fastest-growing part of the company is taking the same products, altering them for commercial use, and having them go into small and medium-size businesses. We will have a great operating margin, over 50%, and several billion dollars of revenue less than five years after starting up a new business line.

    We've grown cash flow every year while we had increased competition over the past decade, and it's nice to feel like we might be able to win back many of the customers we lost when we didn't have the best suite of products.

    Is it a problem that just watching TV is becoming very complicated for the consumer?

    Everything we could learn from what Apple (AAPL) has done so well is how to take really complicated things and make them simple, make them fun, make them beautiful and easy. As I think about where I'd like to see us go, it is absolutely to take this overwhelming amount of content choices -- now with the Internet so many more choices -- and make them personalized, make them easy to interact with and have anytime on any device.

    Many years ago Bill Gates said that one day we'd be able to click on the shoes of a character in a TV show and buy them online. Whether that happens or not, are you thinking about new ways to combine your assets in programming, customer knowledge, and technology?

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