要是换做我,这趟探寻消极性之旅的临别赠言或许会更积极一些。我尤其会忠告读者,“继续努力吧。”毕竟,在早前一个章节中,伯克曼让我相信,所有的失败都令人鼓舞。失败,他写道,“只会发生在你冲击自身能力边界的时候。”这是一个令人激动的声明,因为这句话表明,在遭遇失败时,你的能力边界正在不断向外拓展。 这正是《解毒剂》一书给人耳目一新之感的原因所在。伯克曼并没有直截了当地提供了一套现成的解决方案,而是对各种通往幸福的替代路径进行了一番严肃的调研。当伯克曼承认这些路径无法引导出一个合乎逻辑的终极方法时,他其实是在邀请我们选择一条属于我们自己的幸福之路。(财富中文网) 译者:任文科 |
If it were up to me, the parting message of this exploration of negativity would be more positive. Specifically, "keep struggling." After all, in an earlier chapter, Burkeman convinced me that all failures are invigorating. Failure, he writes, "is happening only because you are pushing at the limits of your capabilities." This is a thrilling statement, because it suggests that in failing, you are being productive. And that's what makes The Antidote so refreshing. Rather than offering pat answers up front, Burkeman conducts a serious investigation into the various negative paths to happiness. In admitting that these paths don't lead to one logical, conclusive method, Burkeman invites us to choose our own. |