






专栏 - 中国会计思考


鲍大雷 2013年01月29日

鲍大雷博士是北京大学光华管理学院的特邀教授,並担任IMBA 项目联合主任。鲍博士是中国的会计和审计问题的著名专家。在加入北京大学之前,他是普华永道会计师事务所在美国,新加坡和中国的合伙人。其博客网站是www.chinaaccountingblog.com.

    最近,我为Forensic Asia撰写了一篇题为《会计战:中国的跨国法规》(Accounting Wars: Transnational Regulation in China)的文章。该文对我先前围绕这一主题所写的一些文章进行了总结。对于那些关注亚洲证券的人来说,我向你们推荐Forensic Asia。



    未来几个月内,香港标准水务有限公司(Standard Water)一案将有望判决。此案中,安永(Ernst & Young)以违反中国法律为由,拒绝向香港证券和期货监察委员会(Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission)提交工作底稿。香港标准水务案件与SEC起诉四大家的案件在性质上基本上相同,而且可能会在香港市场引发危机。尽管我认为SEC意欲将中国公司赶出美国证券交易所,但我并未察觉香港监管机构有这样的打算。



    I recently penned a piece for Forensic Asia called Accounting Wars: Transnational Regulation in China. It summarizes my previous writings on this topic. I recommend Forensic Asia for those who follow Asian securities.

    The SEC has responded to Deloitte’s request that the case related to Longtop’s working papers remain stayed until the SEC case against the rest of the Big Four and BDO is resolved. The SEC points out that the cases have differing objectives. In the Longtop case the SEC wants working papers to be produced. In the administrative proceeding the SEC is seeking to censure or revoke the right of the firms to practice before the SEC (page 6).

    There has been no news from the PCAOB. The recent fiasco at Caterpillar will up the pressure on the PCAOB to resolve the inspection situation, since it illustrates that accounting problems in China extend to multinationals as well. The Caterpillar case appears to be a failure in due diligence, rather than an audit failure – indeed Caterpillar’s auditor appears to have not been involved in the transaction, which blew up before an audit was completed. Reports have said that two Big Four firms (other than Caterpillar’s auditor) were involved in the due diligence.

    A decision is expected in the Standard Water case in Hong Kong in the next few months. In this case, Ernst & Young refused to turn over working papers to Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission, citing Chinese laws that prohibit it from doing so. The Hong Kong proceedings ares virtually identical to the SEC allegations against the Big Four, and may create a crisis in the Hong Kong markets. While I believe the SEC is willing to kick Chinese companies off of U.S. exchanges, I can’t see Hong Kong regulators taking such a stand.

    A reader has pointed out to me that there is a major obstacle to many U.S. listed Chinese companies moving their listings to Hong Kong. Many of these companies use multiple classes of stock to keep control in the hands of founders. These arrangements are apparently not allowed in Hong Kong (or most other markets). There is an easy fix – get rid of the special arrangements for insiders – that will improve corporate governance at the same time.





