统计显示,自从2010年第1季度以来,全球Windows 系统PC的销量就开始急转直下。图片来源:Asymco
微软(Microsoft)Windows电脑制造商们这些天来总算可以松口气了,根据CNN财经频道记者艾德里安•卡瓦特上周五发布的报道,2013年第三季度Mac销量下滑,PC销量上升。 但如果我们稍稍把眼光放长远点,看看上面这张图,就会明白曾经无比强大的Wintel帝国如今已日薄西山。 自2010年一季度以来,Windows PC销量就开始急转直下,并在过去6个季度一直呈负增长态势。(每季度的销量都要少于去年同期) 大家也许还记得,史蒂夫•乔布斯正是在2010年一季度发布了iPad。
全球计算机销量并未下滑,只是越来越多的消费者开始转向苹果(Apple)iPad等设备。科技博客Asymco的贺拉斯•德迪欧在上周四发布的下面这张图就证明了这一点。(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
The makers of Microsoft (MSFT) Windows computers can take some comfort in the fact that, as CNN Money's Adrian Covert put it Friday,Macs down, PCs up in the third quarter of 2013. But take a slightly longer view, as the attached chart does, and things look pretty bleak for the once-mighty Wintel empire. Windows PC growth rates have been shrinking since the first quarter of 2010 and have been in negative territory (i.e., fewer units sold year over year) every quarter for the past six. The first quarter of 2010, you may recall, is when Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad. It's not as if the world stopped buying computers. It's just been buying more computers that look like Apple's (AAPL) iPad, as evidenced by chart below, posted Thursday by Asymco's Horace Dediu. |