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爆料人详解Mt. Gox文件泄密事件内幕

Dan Primack 2014年02月28日

Dan Primack专注于报道交易和交易撮合者,从美国金融业到风险投资业均有涉及。此前,Dan是汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由编辑,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire邮件服务。作为一名新闻工作者,Dan还曾在美国马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯里经营一份社区报纸。目前他居住在波士顿附近。
雷恩•希尔基斯踢爆了比特币交易平台Mt. Gox大量比特币被盗的丑闻。他从哪儿得到的风声?他怎么判定消息是否准确?他这么做背后有什么动机?

    上周六晚,一位名叫雷恩•希尔基斯的比特币博主发表了一份名为“危机战略草案”的文件。文件据说要曝光Mt.Gox这个全球最早成立、也是规模最大的比特币交易平台是走向破产深渊(这在很大程度上要归咎于黑客的大规模袭击)的内幕。一些相关社区对这份文件一开始充满了怀疑,但就在昨晚,Mt. Gox的前任首席执行官马克•卡佩雷斯确认了它的真实性。

    希尔基斯用“两比特傻瓜”(Two-bit Idiot)这个笔名发表了这份文件。昨晚,他对《财富》杂志(Fortune)就他本人及此次发文事件用电邮向他提出的系列问题做了如下回应:


    雷恩•希尔基斯:我是一名创业者,手头有两个比特币项目。其中一个叫Good-Bits的是兼职,它是这个领域里的第一个慈善平台,可以让比特币持有者把数字货币捐给美国任何一家注册的慈善机构。而全职项目是一个名为Inscrypto的公司,它实质上是一个使用比特币的,私人投资、去中心化的联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)。我们主要是打造这样一种渠道,它们能帮消费者和商家将不需要的价格波动转给那些愿意保证比特币存款法定价值的专业投资者。创业前,我在私募基金和风投公司Summit Partners就职。


    我是去年10月开始深入研究比特币的。到了11月,我就入迷了。写博客对我来说是有特定目的的——不是打算成为什么记者,而是逼着自己能快速了解这个行业。“两比特傻瓜”这个笔名就能看出我没太把写博客当回事。之所以起这个名字,是为了万一我在博客里出现低级错误或是在Reddit这样的新闻网站上发表煽动性言论时,给自己提供一把保护伞。但当我继续写下去、同时接触到业内人士后,我就意识到这个行业太缺乏金融专业意见了,而现在一些业内领先的比特币创业者已经开始定期阅读我的“每日比特”(Daily Bit)了。于是我开始更认真地写博客,现在我是CoinDesk的自由撰稿人。


    说实话,那些对我最初所发文件持怀疑态度的大多数人,我不怪他们。那些一直读我博文的人很了解,我不会发假警报,也绝不会做诽谤比特币的事,但这类人人数很少。大多数人都把这篇蹩脚的小博文看成是像《南方公园》(South Park,美国著名喜剧,经常通过歪曲式的摹仿来讽刺和嘲弄美国文化和社会时事的各个方面——译注)这样的玩意儿,认为我是在有意制造恐慌情绪,或者是想要操纵市场价格。更让人困扰的批评来自另外一些人,他们不管我说了什么都会暴跳如雷,因为现在看来已经有投资者准备出资救助这个交易平台了。实际上,如果Mt. Gox的所有相关情况都被掩饰起来——不管有没有包庇犯罪,那这些批评也无伤大雅。当然,对于我该怎么披露这些文件每个人都有自己的看法,而我只是按照我认为正确的方式来。

    Late Sunday night, a bitcoin blogger named Ryan Selkis published a "Crisis Strategy Draft" document that purported to show how Mt. Gox, one of the world's earliest and largest bitcoin exchanges, was insolvent (due, in large part, to a massive hack). Initial reaction from some quarters was skeptical but, by last night, former Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles had confirmed the document's legitimacy.

    Selkis publishes under the pseudonym Two-bit Idiot, and last night responded to a series of emailed questions from Fortune about himself and the leak:

    FORTUNE: Who are you?

    Ryan Selkis: I'm an entrepreneur working on two separate bitcoin projects. One is part-time, Good-Bits, which is the first charitable platform that allows bitcoin holders to donate digital currency to any U.S. registered charities. The full-time project is a company called Inscrypto, which is basically a privately-funded, decentralized version of the FDIC for Bitcoin. We're building the pipes that help consumers and merchants offload unwanted price volatility onto professional investors willing to guarantee the fiat value of bitcoin deposits. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I was in private equity and venture capital at Summit Partners.

    When and why did you begin blogging?

    I started digging into bitcoin in October. By November I was hooked. I started blogging as a means to an end - not with aspirations of being regarded as a journalist, but rather to force myself to learn quickly about the industry. You can tell I didn't take it too seriously from my pseudonym, "two-bit idiot." I picked the name to provide air cover in the event I made rookie mistakes in my posts or wrote incendiary opinions on Reddit. But as I continued to write and to meet people within the industry, I realized strong finance voices were rare, and some of the leading bitcoin entrepreneurs started reading my Daily Bit regularly. I started to take the blog more seriously and now I'm a freelance contributor with CoinDesk.

    You've gotten blowback from some in the bitcoin community for your posts. Why do you think that is?

    Honestly, I don't blame most people for being skeptical of my initial leaks. The people who have been following me know I don't cry wolf and wouldn't do anything to slander bitcoin, but that was a small group. Most people just saw this crappy little Tumblr blog with a South Park avatar and assumed I was fear-mongering or trying to manipulate market prices. The much more troubling blowback has been from people who are mad that I said anything at all since there appear to have been investors who were ready to bail out the exchange. Essentially these critics would have been ok if everything had just been swept under the rug with respect to Mt. Gox - criminal cover-up or no. Of course, everyone has an opinion on how I should have approached leaking the documents. I just did what I thought was right.

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