
Piper Jaffray的吉恩•蒙斯特最爱聊的是苹果电视。Bernstein的托尼•萨科纳吉常常挂在嘴边的是苹果公司的现金储备。而Global Equities的特里普•乔杜里最常提及的则是乔恩•鲁宾斯坦。
没错,就是乔恩•鲁宾斯坦。因为在开发苹果iPod便携式音乐播放器中发挥的关键作用,鲁宾斯坦在维基百科上被称为“Pod之父”。自从2006年离开苹果公司以来,鲁宾斯坦参与开发了一系列备受瞩目的产品,包括Palm Pre和惠普(HP)TouchPad。目前,鲁宾斯坦是亚马逊(Amazon)董事会的一员,而且据乔杜里称,鲁宾斯坦在亚马逊Fire TV的开发中扮演了关键角色。
• 乔杜里2014年1月旧话重提:“我们仍然认为,由乔恩•鲁宾斯坦出任首席执行官、弗雷德•安德森担任首席财务官能使苹果更贴近史蒂夫•乔布斯(执掌下)的苹果,因为他们二人以及史蒂夫•乔布斯是当年使苹果公司扭亏为盈的关键人物。
• 今年3月,乔杜里又说:“为了防止进一步破坏股东价值,苹果公司应尽快换掉现任首席执行官和首席财务官。乔恩•鲁宾斯坦(iPod之父)担任首席执行官、弗雷德•安德森出任首席财务官可能是重振苹果的黄金组合。
• 今年4月,乔杜里再次说道:“只有乔恩•鲁宾斯坦出任苹果首席执行官,才能令苹果重振雄风。
• 上周日,在一份19次提及鲁宾斯坦的报告中,乔杜里写道:“一致的看法是,苹果没有能力理解目前的竞争形势,而且缺乏推出新产品的远见和能力;而乔恩•鲁宾斯坦知道需要做哪些事情,而且有能力去实现。”
If you follow the Apple (AAPL) sell-side analysts long enough you get to know their hobbyhorses. For Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster it's Apple television. For Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi it's Apple's cash hoard. For Global Equities' Trip Chowdhry, it's Jon Rubinstein. Yes, Jon Rubinstein, whom Wikipedia calls the "Podfather" for his role in developing Apple's portable music player. Since he left Apple in 2006, Rubinstein has had a hand in a series of high-profile products, including the Palm Pre and HP TouchPad. He currently sits on the board of Amazon (AMZN) and was, according to Chowdhry, instrumental in the development of Fire TV. Here's the thing: Chowdhry wants Tim Cook out as Apple CEO and Jon Rubinstein in. And on this subject, Chowdhry is like a dog with a bone. He first raised the idea last summer and hasn't let go. • Chowdhry on CNBC "The current executive team led by Tim Cook and Peter Oppenheimer have destroyed the shareholder value at Apple," he wrote in a July 7, 2013, note to clients. "Some are suggesting a new executive team with Jon Rubinstein as CEO and [former Apple CFO] Fred Anderson as CFO. Each of them have a proven track record of creating outstanding shareholder value at Apple." • He raised it again in January 2014: "We still think Jon Rubinstein as the new CEO and Fred Anderson as the new CFO could bring Apple closer back to Steve Job's (sic) Apple, as these two individuals along with Steve Jobs were instrumental in turning Apple company around." • And again in March: "To prevent further destruction of shareholder value, Apple's CEO and CFO need to be replaced sooner rather than later. The team of Jon Rubinstein (Father of iPod) as CEO and Fred Anderson as CFO, may be best to revive Apple." • And in April: "Jon Rubinstein, as the new CEO of Apple, is the only one who can revive Apple." • And once more on Sunday, in a note that mentioned Rubinstein 19 times. The "converged view," he wrote, "is that Apple does not have the capability to understand the competition and lacks the vision and ability to deliver new products; Jon Rubinstein understands what needs to be done and has the ability to deliver." Okay, Mr. Chowdhry. We get the message. |