






专栏 - 人间烟火


查大伟 2016年03月11日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz



    • 以前,我在什么时候表现得像个囚徒?

    • 又在什么时候表现得像个过客?

    • 以后,我要怎样做才能成为每天都全力以赴的领袖、改变每一个和我接触的人?

    • 如果有意识地担当领袖成了我生活、思考和行动的自然状态,那会是什么感觉?


    • 囚徒?

    • 过客?

    • 领袖?





    Leaders. Leaders are nothing like vacationers or prisoners. Leaders want to be here and they are constantly scanning the radar for opportunities to make a difference. They focus on helping and guiding others instead of merely on what they can get for themselves. They vacuum up responsibility because they enjoy seeing things happen in effective ways and are always ready to take on more. The love the creativity of problem solving and welcome the ideas of others. Leaders “go the extra mile” for their own objectives, for the corporation’s objectives and in support of other’s objectives. They are optimists who see the glass as half-full rather then half-empty. Leaders trust themselves and their own worth, so they can easily make space to listen to others, offer suggestions, lend a helping hand. They have nothing to prove about themselves; rather they are visionaries who ask “I wonder what WE could achieve if we really put our minds to it?” Leaders exude a positive energy that is attractive…and thus it is not surprise that lots of people will copy them and replicate their positive style.

    So you could ask yourself now:

    • In the past, when have I behaved as a Prisoner?

    • And when have I behaved as a Vacationer?

    • And, in future, how can I show up every day as a fully-engaged Leader and make a difference for everyone I contact?

    • And what is it going to feel like when acting as a conscious leader becomes my natural way of being, thinking and acting?

    You may even consider making a sticker like this and putting it at your work space where you can see it every day:

    • Prisoner?

    • Vacationer?

    • Leader?

    Just reflecting on these three basic ways of being, in the moment, can act as a powerful compass in your life. And, if you caught yourself acting as a vacationer or prisoner, don’t worry. Just remember your stand to be a leader and start again from that position. We aren’t here to be perfect. We are here to make progress.

    The reality is simple: most of our life is experienced through one of these three lenses. Try consciously seeing the world through “Leader Glasses” for 30 days and I assure you, you will never want to view life as a Vacationer or Prisoner again. All three are leadership styles, but only one is going to make a difference in the world. Which glasses will you choose?

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