前通用汽车CEO鲍伯•卢茨在其任内曾出过许多昏招,他本来希望通过庞蒂克Solstice和土星(Saturn)Sky这两款跑车让通用焕发青春,就像道奇蝰蛇(Viper)之于克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。2005年,庞蒂克Solstice仓促上马,一开始销售势头甚猛,但不久后,随着媒体曝出Solstice的车顶问题以及储物空间过于狭小,销量开始一落千丈。它的销量在2006年达到顶峰,共卖出19,710辆,到了2009年已一路下跌到4,826辆。土星Sky的表现甚至还不如前者。它的最高销量是2007年的16,567辆,2009年则只卖出4,178辆。 |
Pontiac Solstice/Saturn Sky
Among Bob Lutz's less brilliant ideas, the Solstice and Sky were supposed to rejuvenate GM the way his Viper did for Chrysler. Rushed into production in mid-2005, the Solstice created an initial sales fever that quickly cooled off when news got out about the quirky top and the absolute lack of any storage space. Sales peaked at 19,710 in 2006 but then tumbled all the way to 4,826 by 2009. The Sky did even worse. It reached sales of 16,567 in 2007 and two years later sold only 4,178. |