亲爱的安妮:过去五年,我一直在做全职妈妈。现在,我想重返职场。除拥有财会方面的工作经验外,我还拥有战略管理MBA学位。但是令我困惑的是,在离开职场很长时间以后,我不知道该如何推销自己。目前就业市场竞争日趋激烈,可我的简历中却有这么长时间的一段空白期,这是不是意味着我已经没有希望了呢?——朱迪丝 亲爱的朱迪丝:事情未必如你所言。纽约的一位高管培训师玛丽•安妮•沃什说:“是否能成功重启职业生涯,与多长时间不工作没有太大关系;相反,它与个人的态度以及自我推销的方式密切相关。” 她补充说,重回职业快车道“通常大概需要一年左右的时间。需要重建自己的专业形象、或创造一个全新的形象。即使一步不错,这个过程也需要一年时间,但是千万不要为此而感到沮丧。” 沃什通过采取三步法,帮助客户度过这一阶段。首先,她表示:“长时间不工作的人一般会认为,重返职场困难重重。他们缺乏自信,所以,首先要做的就是帮助他们重拾信心。” 要想重塑信心,求职者首先“需要确定目前生命中最重要的事情以及目标是什么。一旦确定了目标、现阶段追求的重点之后,求职者就可以开始着手做一些实际的工作,如:确定招聘单位可能需要自己的哪些资质和技能(包括辞职之前以及辞职后的几年中形成的)。” 许多求职者低估了自己拥有的一些特质。沃什说:“招聘经理希望聘用成熟、稳定和敬业的员工。而现在,经过时间的历练后,你在这方面的特质可能更突出。” 一旦确定了职业目标和自身优势,求职者就要在简历中强调自己在早期工作中取得的成就,以及在辞职之后学到的知识。当然,也包括通过志愿者工作提升或掌握的技能。 通过职业咨询网站五点俱乐部(Five O'Clock Club),求职者可以轻松下载简历模板,从中获得启发。 之后,求职者就要尽全力利用自己的人际关系网。沃什说:“明确了自己希望涉足或重返的行业后,求职者要尽一切可能,与这些行业中的人多交流。” |
Dear Annie: I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past five years, and I'm ready to go back to work. My background is in finance and accounting, and I have an MBA in strategic management, but I'm at a loss as to how to sell myself after such a long absence from the corporate world. Especially in this hypercompetitive job market, will this big gap in my resume put me out of the running? — Just Judith Dear J.J.: Not necessarily. "Success in re-launching your career is less a factor of how long you've been away and more a matter of your attitude and how you present yourself," says Mary Anne Walsh, a New York City-based executive coach. Bear in mind that getting back up to speed "usually takes about a year," she adds. "Don't get discouraged if it takes that long to reestablish your professional identity, or create a new one, even if you're doing everything right." Walsh approaches the process with her clients in three steps. First, she says, "People who have been away from the business world for a while often find the idea of going back to be pretty daunting. They lack self-confidence. So first we work on that." One way to get your confidence back is to "identify what's important to you at this point in your life. What is your purpose? Once you establish a goal and an overarching sense of what you want this stage of your career to look like, you can move on to the practical task of pinpointing which special aptitudes and skills you've developed -- either before you left the workforce or in the years since then -- that employers might want." These include a few traits that many job seekers undervalue in themselves, Walsh says: "Hiring managers look for maturity, stability, and dedication, and you may have more of these qualities now than you did when you were younger." Once you've determined what you want to do and clarified what qualifies you to do it, write a resume that emphasizes both your professional accomplishments in your former corporate life and what you've learned since then. Include any skills you've honed or acquired through volunteer work. A handy sample resume that may spark some ideas for you is available from the Five O'Clock Club, a national career-counseling group. Then start networking like mad, says Walsh: "Talk to as many people as you can in the field you're trying to get into, or get back into." |