牵涉苹果公司(Apple)且具有新闻价值的离奇事件向来有其一必有其二。这可谓是一条举世公认的真理。 两周前,有报道称中国一名23岁的空姐触电身亡,罪魁祸首显然是一个出现故障的第三方iPhone充电器。随后,上周五,有报道称中国又出现了一例与iPhone有关的触电事故,同样也是因为第三方充电器以及接触不良的壁式插座。 让我们看看第二起事故。据上周四的《北京晚报》(Beijing Evening News)报道,7月8日,30岁的武建同在给iPhone 4充电时突然被电。武建同大喊一声:“我触电了!”随后,武建同就昏倒在地,停止了呼吸。他随后被送往医院抢救。如今,距离事发已过去10天,武建同仍处于昏迷状态。包括AppleInsider 和Morning Joe在内的多家美国科技博客援引了这篇报道。 如果说在新闻报道之外,我们能得出什么经验教训的话,那就是使用劣质iPhone充电器存在风险,尤其是在供电线路不一定符合标准的国家。 要想了解如何辨别充电器的好坏,我推荐阅读肯•谢里夫的文章: • (山寨)iPhone充电器拆解(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
It is a truth universally acknowledged that one bizarre incident in possession of good news value and an Apple (AAPL) hook must be accompanied by another. So it is that the reports of the death by electrocution last week of a 23-year-old Chinese stewardess, apparently by way of a faulty third-party iPhone charger, were followed Friday by reports of a second Chinese iPhone electrocution -- again via third-party charger and a wall socket of uncertain grounding. According to the second story -- reported Thursday by the Beijing Evening News and picked up by outlets from AppleInsider to Morning Joe -- 30-year-old Wu Jian Tong was plugging his iPhone 4 into the wall when he shouted (in Chinese) "I'm getting shocked," stopped breathing and had to be rushed to the hospital, where he was still comatose 10 days later. If there's a lesson here -- beyond the rules of second-day journalism -- it's that using knock-off iPhone chargers carries risks, especially in countries where you're not always sure the electrical wiring is up to code. For background on what separates a good charger from a bad, I recommend Ken Shirriff's primers: • Apple iPhone charger teardown: quality in a tiny expensive package • Tiny, cheap, and dangerous: Inside a (fake) iPhone charger |