中国6大商业对手(京东vs.苏宁、华为vs.中兴…)" /> 史上50大商业对手:比尔•盖茨vs.史蒂夫•乔布斯 - 财富中文网


Adam Lashinsky 2013-03-22


  • 可口可乐 vs.百事可乐1 / 50
  • 福特 vs.通用汽车2 / 50
  • 爱迪生 vs.特斯拉3 / 50
  • AT&T vs.MCI4 / 50
  • 耐克 vs.锐步5 / 50
  • 盖茨 vs.乔布斯6 / 50
  • 威尼斯 vs.热那亚7 / 50
  • 惠普 vs.IBM8 / 50
  • 空中客车 vs.波音9 / 50
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  • 麦当劳 vs.汉堡王11 / 50
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  • 宝洁vs.联合利华14 / 50
  • 网景vs.微软15 / 50
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  • 法拉利vs.兰博基尼17 / 50
  • 梅西百货vs.金贝儿18 / 50
  • 百威vs.米勒19 / 50
  • 阿迪达斯vs.彪马20 / 50
  • CVS vs.沃尔格林药房21 / 50
  • UPS vs.联邦快递22 / 50
  • 赫斯特vs.普利策23 / 50
  • 拜耳vs.泰诺24 / 50
  • 金霸王vs.劲量兔25 / 50
  • 沃尔玛vs.塔吉特26 / 50
  • 纽交所vs.纳斯达克27 / 50
  • 奥利奥vs. Hydrox28 / 50
  • 孩之宝vs.美泰29 / 50
  • 邓肯甜甜圈vs.星巴克30 / 50
  • 甲骨文vs. Salesforce31 / 50
  • Fender吉他vs. Gibson32 / 50
  • 佳能vs.尼康33 / 50
  • 美国钢铁vs.伯利恒钢铁34 / 50
  • 西尔斯vs.彭尼35 / 50
  • 康内留斯·范德比尔特vs.杰•古尔德36 / 50
  • 摩根大通vs.高盛37 / 50
  • 苏士比vs.佳士得38 / 50
  • 路易斯•梅尔vs.杰克•华纳 39 / 50
  • 百视达vs.网飞40 / 50
  • 泛美航空vs.环球航空41 / 50
  • 康卡斯特vs.威瑞森42 / 50
  • 灰狗vs.旅途43 / 50
  • 索尼vs.任天堂44 / 50
  • 雅诗兰黛vs.欧莱雅45 / 50
  • 谷歌vs.Facebook46 / 50
  • 迪斯尼CEO vs.梦工厂CEO47 / 50
  • 惊奇漫画vs. DC漫画48 / 50
  • 宝马vs.奔驰49 / 50
  • 网飞vs.亚马逊50 / 50


    首先,两人之间的不同之处在于:盖茨来自中上层阶级,读的是哈佛大学(Harvard)。而乔布斯则来自一个中等收入的普通家庭,只在里德学院(Reed College)学习过一段时间。痴迷科技的盖茨自己编写了微软(Microsoft)早期产品的代码。而乔布斯则是天生的营销者,而且拥有足够的本事来说服别人,依靠合伙人史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克发明了第一台苹果(Apple)电脑。盖茨是全世界极客们的榜样。而乔布斯自始至终都非常平和。盖茨深谙规模与举债经营;乔布斯则掌握了时尚与信息。(更具个人魅力的乔布斯已被搬上大荧幕,电影由诺阿•威利与艾什顿•库彻主演。)在汹涌的计算机革命大潮中,盖茨与史蒂夫成为两个极端的代表人物。






    Bill Gates and Steve jobs were as different as night and day, yet they had much in common. This probably explains the bitterness of their rivalry. The fruits of their enmity? The creation of the personal computer.

    First, the differences: Gates was an upper-middle-class kid who went to Harvard. Jobs grew up in a family of modest means and didn't attend many classes at Reed College. Deeply technical, Gates wrote the code for Microsoft's early products himself. A born marketer with enough technical chops to be persuasive, Jobs relied on collaborator Steve Wozniak to create the first Apple computer. Gates was the poster child for geeks everywhere. Jobs, meanwhile, was suave from the start. Gates understood scale and leverage; Jobs grasped style and message. (The more charismatic figure, Jobs, will have been played on film by both Noah Wiley and Ashton Kutcher.) Gates and Jobs became the opposing poles of the frantically growing computing revolution.

    Above all else, though, these rivals understood business. Neither had formal training in the black arts of balance sheets and income statements. Indeed, neither had graduated from college. Yet both were preternaturally shrewd about making a buck -- and how to stick it to the competition.

    Gates dominated the first two decades of their rivalry, overseeing Windows' rise as the world's default operating system. Eventually Jobs welcomed a $150 million investment from Gates in 1997 when Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) was looking death in the face. (Attendees of the Macworld conference where the deal was announced booed Gates' appearance by video.) But during the last 15 years of his life, Jobs flipped the switch on Gates, dominating beyond-the-PC segments like music players, smartphones, and tablets -- all areas of heavy, and mostly fruitless, investment byMicrosof (MSFT, Fortune 500)t. (Irked by this, perhaps, Gates' wife, Melinda, banned their children from having iPods and iPhones in the house.)

    The two were known to trade not-so-subtle barbs. Jobs diagnosed Microsoft's essential problem as a lack of taste. Meanwhile, Gates summed up one of Jobs' greatest achievements, the iPad, by saying simply, "It's okay."

    Born seven months apart (Jobs was older), they were friendly in the years before Jobs died. Having fought each other for so long, they knew better than anyone what the other had accomplished.

    Winner:Steve Jobs
