EXAMPLE: Using pie charts that summarize data I am discussing always helps my audience understand my presentations easily.
用饼状图来归纳我所探讨的数据,经常有助于听众轻松地理解我的陈述。  2012-12-05
EXAMPLE: He was argumentative, loud and just plain rude. We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go!  
他好争论,大嗓门并且毫无礼貌。整个周末我们强忍住未向他下逐客令。  2012-12-04
EXAMPLE: Because there were no controls over expenses, the new company was off the rails within a few months and investors were quite worried.
由于没有控制费用,新公司没过几个月就偏离了正轨,投资者非常焦虑。  2012-12-03
EXAMPLE: The sales manager will take his employees to task for forgetting the name of an important client.
这位销售经理将会严厉批评他的员工,因为他们忘记了一位重要客户的名字。  2012-11-30
EXAMPLE: Last month I stopped smoking cold turkey, which was the only way I knew I could succeed.
上个月,我断然戒烟,这是我所知道的能成功的唯一方法。  2012-11-29
EXAMPLE: Everyone in the office was careful not to let on about the party planned for their manager's birthday.
办公室里的每个人都在小心翼翼地保守为经理举行生日聚会的秘密。  2012-11-28
EXAMPLE: The construction of an airport holds great promise for the remote rural area.
机场的建设给这个偏僻的农村地区带来巨大希望。  2012-11-27
EXAMPLE: The teachers rule out any form of cheating in their school.
EXAMPLE: At the hospital my doctors ordered many medical tests to rule out cancer as a cause of my mysterious illness and fatigue.
在医院,医生给我做了很多化验,排除了我的神秘病症和疲劳感是癌症的可能性。  2012-11-26
EXAMPLE: All afternoon I struggled while writing the complicated report and became exhausted, but then I got a second wind and felt so good I finished it before leaving the office that evening.
整个下午,我都在费力撰写这份复杂的报告,搞得我筋疲力尽,但在晚上下班之前,我恢复了精神,完成工作后的感觉很好。  2012-11-23
EXAMPLE: When our employees work more than the usual number of hours we expect each week, we pay them time and a half.
每周,当员工工作时间超出我们预计的小时数时,我们支付他们1.5倍工时的薪水。  2012-11-22
EXAMPLE: The eager new employee was able to do the work in no time flat, far more quickly than any previous employee; his manager was impressed.
这位渴望成功的新员工能够在很短的时间内完成工作,比所有前员工都要快得多,令他的经理印象深刻。  2012-11-21
EXAMPLE: When my frugal brother, who worked seven days a week, told me he was taking an expensive vacation abroad, I shouted "get out of here!"and laughed.
我的哥哥艰苦朴素,一周工作七天。当他对我说,要到国外做一次昂贵的度假,我喊了一句“不会吧!”,然后大笑起来。  2012-11-20
EXAMPLE: The weather where we were going on vacation this year can be bad, but we decided to go anyway, come what may.
我们今年要去度假的地方的天气可能不好,但我们决定不管怎样也要去。  2012-11-19
EXAMPLE: When a popular soloist is playing with our local symphony he or she is often a big draw and it can be difficult to obtain tickets to the performance.
当有知名独唱家与我们本地的交响乐团一起演出时,这位独唱家常常有很大的吸引力,得到一张演出会的票很难。  2012-11-16
EXAMPLE: Although I suggested we go to a museum, my friend visiting from out of town said he would prefer to be outside, so I said "Suit yourself!" and we enjoyed a nice day in the park.
尽管我建议去博物馆,但城外来的朋友说,他想到外面去。于是我说:“就听你的吧!”。我们到公园痛快地玩了一天。  2012-11-15
EXAMPLE:All senior employees within our organization enjoy benefits such as a company car, pension, and medical insurance.
我们的组织内部所有高级员工都享受福利,比如一辆公司的汽车,养老金和医疗保险。  2012-11-14

EXAMPLE:A quick head count revealed that seventy-five people were at the party in our company's tiny office.
快速清点人数后发现,有 75 人来到了在我们公司窄小办公室里举行的聚会现场。

EXAMPLE:Candidates for admission must meet the minimum requirements set by the Graduate School, which normally requires Graduate Record Examinations scores for admission to graduate programs.
报考本院的学生必须达到研究生院规定的最低要求,一般说来都需要有GRE成绩才能报考我校研究生专业。  2012-11-12
EXAMPLE: As he ran down the hall to his desk and accidently dropped a handful of paper, I asked my new assistant, "Where's the fire?" and he smiled.
我的新助理跑过大厅,冲向他的办公桌,还不小心掉了一叠文件,我问他:“着什么急呢?”他只好笑了笑。  2012-11-09
EXAMPLE: I have a headache, and I'm not feeling up to par today, so I think I may be catching the flu.
我今天头疼,感觉不适,所以我想,我可能得了感冒。  2012-11-08

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