昆泰公司 在临床研究和咨询企业昆泰公司(Quintiles),员工可以在每年10-12月份之间获得一个“QDay”假日,在这一天,员工要做义工回报社会,无论是植树还是为海外部队准备爱心包裹都可以。一名员工表示,“这里是很棒的工作场所,一切都非常好,同事、工作氛围以及核心目标都无与伦比。我可以在家工作,这能让我平衡自己的工作与生活。”公司的“iQ”内部沟通网络能够实时为员工提供最新最全的公司和行业信息。公司的高级管理层男女比例几乎均等(50.1%的高层管理职位由女性担任)。这些就是昆泰公司保证员工快乐工作的法宝。 |
Quintiles The clinical research and consulting firm allows employees to take a "QDay" once a year, between October and December; QDays are used for employees to give back to their communities, whether that be by planting trees to preparing care packages for troops overseas. "Everything about Quintiles makes it a great place to work. The people, atmosphere, and core goals are unparalleled," says an employee. "I work from home, which helps me to balance work and life." With programs like "iQ" -- an internal communication intranet that keeps staffers up-to-date with all information concerning the company and industry -- and an almost even gender ratio at the executive/senior management level (50.1% of these positions are occupied by women), Quintiles knows how to keep its people happy. |