埃尔森•汉斯 所在公司:太阳石油公司(Sunoco) 职务:首席执行官 公司500强排名:252 据埃尔森•汉斯的母校莱斯大学(Rice University)透露,大学时代的她无所不能:她加入了学校第一支校际篮球队,参加过游行乐队,干过学生会还当过校报的体育栏目编辑。这一切可能为她今后的事业打下了良好的基础。 1978年,埃尔森•汉斯从莱斯大学毕业后又在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)拿到了工商管理硕士学位,随后就职于能源巨头壳牌公司(Shell)。就在通往公司高层的通行证向她招手的时候,厄尔森汉斯意识到,要想继续留在公司,她和丈夫就得去欧洲工作。 那时,总部位于费城的太阳石油公司向她抛出了首席执行官这一橄榄枝,这也使她成为了第一位统领石油巨头的女掌门。“这个职位对我来说再合适不过了”,2008年她曾对莱斯杂志(Rice Magazine)透露。“因为我在石油下游产业——石油及化工产品行业——已经打拼了28个年头,而这正是太阳石油公司的领域。” |
Lynn L. Elsenhans Company: Sunoco Position: CEO Global 500 Rank: 252 According to Lynn Elsenhans' alma mater, Rice University, she did it all as a student: she was on the school's first women's intercollegiate basketball team, in the marching band, served on student government, and was the sports editor for the student newspaper. A case of foreshadowing, perhaps. After graduating from Rice in 1978, Elsenhans headed to Harvard Business School, earned her MBA, and ended up at energy giant Shell. As the keys to the corporate kingdom came within her reach, Elsenhans realized that she and her husband would have to move to Europe if she wanted to stay at the company. Around that time, Philadelphia-based Sunoco offered Elsenhans the CEO spot, making her the first female to run the oil giant. "It's a really good fit for me," she told Rice Magazine in 2008. "I worked for 28 years in the downstream part of the oil business -- oil and chemical products -- and that's what Sunoco does." |