Who says the economy is rebounding?
作者: Becky Quick    时间: 2010年04月20日    来源: 财富中文网
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    So if these business leaders are that confident, why are there still so many doubters out there? Americans are still reeling from the economic collapse, and some fret that another crisis is lurking. Call it a case of post-traumatic financial crisis syndrome.

    "When fireworks go off now, people are expecting that it's a nuclear bomb," Buffett says. It's a natural reaction, but a dangerous one. That mentality exacted a painful cost for investors who followed their gut and got out of stocks as the Dow fell below 9000, then 8000, then 7000. Since then stocks have rebounded 65% off their lows. And if you were waiting on the sidelines until things looked more stable, then you missed the party.

    It's a lesson to us all. While there are still plenty of concerns out there -- from a stubbornly high unemployment rate to continuing commercial real estate land mines -- I'll follow the lead of those on the economic frontlines. And I can't think of three better generals than Buffett, Dimon, and Welch.

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