莫琳•沙利文 所在公司:美国在线
莫琳•沙利文还没有被美国在线(AOL)内定为正式继任人。这位女高管现年还不到30岁,不过在美国在线的官网上,她的官方履历称,她是“美国在线的关键战略家之一” 。她现任负责企业传播和营销的高级副总裁,但当年刚刚进入美国在线时,莫琳的工作只是现任CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗的助理。而在此之前,她也曾追随阿姆斯特朗在谷歌工作过一段时间。据报道,美国在线正着力重塑品牌形象,使其更时尚、更年轻,而莫琳•沙利文在这其中扮演了重要的角色。勿庸置疑,她必成为美国在线的下一代核心高管。 译者:朴成奎 |
Maureen Sullivan Company: AOL
Current CEO: Tim Armstrong
Maureen Sullivan is not the heir apparent to the AOL top spot -- yet. Her official bio describes the not-yet-30 executive as "one of the key strategists at AOL." She is now the senior vice president of corporate communications and marketing, but joined the company as an assistant to AOL CEO Tim Armstrong, with whom she had also worked at Google. Sullivan was reportedly a big part of AOL's rebranding push -- in a way personifying a hipper, younger version of the brand. Next-generation C-suite, indeed. |