在谈到谁将取代彭明盛的话题时,猎头机构Cook Associates的塞斯•哈里斯认为,弗吉尼亚•罗梅蒂这个人物不可不提。罗梅蒂是IBM的高级副总裁,也是销售部门的负责人,同时还是营销和战略部的新任负责人。罗梅蒂毕业于美国西北大学(Northwestern University)工程专业,人们认为她是彭明盛理所当然的继任者。Cook Associates公司的常务董事塞斯•哈里斯本人也曾在IBM任职,他表示,罗梅蒂在IBM服役数十年之久,早已家喻户晓,证明IBM已经选定由她出任下任CEO。 |
Virginia Rometty
Company: IBM
Current CEO: Sam Palmisano
In discussions about who will replace Sam Palmisano, Seth Harris of executive search firm Cook Associates says one name inevitably comes up -- Ginni Rometty. Rometty is a senior vice president at IBM, as well as the head of sales and the new head of marketing and strategy. In charge of multi-billion-dollar company operations, the Northwestern computer science and engineering grad has been described as the logical successor to Palmisano. Harris, a managing director at Cook Associates and an IBM alum himself, says Rometty's decades-long tenure at IBM makes her a known quantity, and a proven choice to lead Big Blue. |