所在公司:J. Crew
彭博电视台(Bloomberg TV)曾经问过“商业王子”米奇•德雷克斯勒,詹娜•里昂斯是否有一天会成为他的继任者。德雷克斯勒回答道:“你怎么可能说不呢,对吧?”里昂斯现在是J. Crew公司的总裁兼执行创意总监。她早在1990年便加盟了公司,时任助理设计师,通过多年的奋斗,才一步步升到今天的位子。今年三月,几家私募股权公司以30亿美元的价格收购了J. Crew。股东们纷纷批评这次交易,并对公司的前途感到不安。不过有里昂斯的严厉苛刻和卓越的才能,加上J. Crew品牌的高认知度(连奥巴马总统的女儿都是它的顾客),德雷克斯勒似乎并不对公司感到担心。他说:“我晚上睡得很好。” |
Jenna Lyons
Company: J. Crew
Current CEO: Mickey Drexler
"Merchant Prince" Mickey Drexler was once asked by Bloomberg TV whether Jenna Lyons could one day succeed him. He replied, "Well how could you say no, right?" Lyons is J. Crew's president and executive creative director. She joined the company as an assistant designer in 1990 and worked her way up through the ranks. In March, private equity firms bought J. Crew for $3 billion. Shareholders have criticized the deal and fretted about the company's future, but with Lyon's exacting talents and the brand's strong recognition (President Obama's daughters are customers), Drexler says, "I sleep well at night." |