4. 约翰•埃尔坎
• 年龄:37 • 职务:董事长 • 任职公司:菲亚特汽车公司
埃尔坎21岁的时候被祖父吉安尼•阿涅利选中进入菲亚特公司(Fiat)董事会。吉安尼•阿涅利是一位衣着整洁的实干家,他将菲亚特打造成一家全球性公司。阿涅利去世之后,两位潜在继任者又相继离世。于是,埃尔坎被推到了前台。他被任命为菲亚特公司董事长及Exor集团董事长兼CEO。Exor集团是阿涅利家族的一家控股公司,价值1,420亿美元,业务涉及商业地产、银行、媒体、重型机械,以及尤文图斯足球队(Juventus)。阿涅利家族称埃尔坎为杰希,他的表现非常突出:他稳定了菲亚特,成功完成了对克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的投资,并重组了涉猎广泛的家族产业帝国。 |
4. John Elkann • Age:37 • Title:Chairman • Company:Fiat
Elkann was picked for the Fiat board at age 21 by his grandfather Gianni Agnelli, the dapper industrialist who built the company into a global powerhouse. After Agnelli's passing, Elkann, thrust to the forefront by the untimely deaths of two potential successors, was named chairman of Fiat and chairman and CEO of Exor, the family's $142 billion holding company with interests in commercial real estate, banking, media, heavy equipment, and the soccer team Juventus. Elkann—known as Jaki within the family—has led a striking turnaround: He stabilized Fiat and oversaw the successful investment in Chrysler, and has reorganized the far-flung family empire. |