

财富中文网 2013-09-23

8. 王俊

•  年龄:37

•  职务:院长

•  任职公司:华大基因

    想象一下:可以吸收土壤中污染物的大米;或极具针对性与个性化的癌症治疗药物,针对每个不同的个体;或者一个全球数据库,其中不仅包括每个人的基因序列,还包括每一种生物的基因组,好比生物学界的谷歌。这就是王俊现在在进行的工作。王俊是一名基因组学教授,也是基因测序中心华大基因【BGI,原北京基因组研究所(Beijing Genomics Institute)】的院长。这个研究所每天约生成六万亿字节的数据,而分析这些数据、通过一棵树发现整个森林的重任往往都落在王俊的肩上。王俊是个大忙人:他是一名科学家、教授,还是超过100篇论文的作者。他表示,自己的最终目标是把这些非凡的东西出售给普通人。他的目标正在变成现实。解污染大米或许很快就将上市。

8. Jun Wang

•  Age:37

•  Title:Director

•  Company:BGI

    Imagine a grain of rice that can suck pollutants out of the soil; or a cancer treatment so targeted and personalized it exists for only one person—you; or a worldwide database of not just every human's genetic code but the genomes of every living thing, a sort of biological Google. This is the work of Wang, a genomics professor and the director of gene-sequencing center BGI (formerly Beijing Genomics Institute). The institute generates about six terabytes of data a day, and it often falls on Wang to see the forest through the trees. He is a busy man: scientist, professor, author of more than 100 papers. His ultimate goal, he says, is to take these extraordinary things and sell them to ordinary people. It's already working. That depollutant rice may soon come to market.
