7. 克里斯•魏德曼 • 年龄:38 • 职务:办公室主任 • 任职公司:美国财政部
斯坦福大学(Stanford)法学院毕业的克里斯•魏德曼今年四月份成为新任美国财政部长杰克•卢的得力助手,恰逢其时帮助处理美国财政部(U.S. Treasury Department)愈演愈烈的国税局丑闻。魏德曼之所以获得这个职位是因为他曾经是美国前财长蒂姆•盖特纳的政府事务调停人,深谙应急之道。目前,他正在拼命应对各种耗时更长的挑战:比如全面修改税法、与以共和党为主的国会持续的预算之争,以及与欧洲和中国的国际问题等。魏德曼的任务极其艰巨。 |
7. Chris Weideman • Age:38 • Title:Chief of Staff • Company:U.S. Treasury Department
This Stanford Law grad was tapped in April to become newly installed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's right-hand man, just in time to help navigate the department rattling IRS scandal. Weideman earned the job by distinguishing himself as a go-to fixer for Tim Geithner, so he knows how to handle an emergency. Now he's sweating longer-term challenges too: a comprehensive rewrite of the tax code, the ongoing budget battles with congressional Republicans, and international headaches from Europe to China. That's a tall order. |