12. 查克•迈尔斯 • 年龄:37 • 职务:投资组合经理 • 任职公司:富达投资集团
迈尔斯是富达投资集团(Fidelity Investments)一颗耀眼的明星。他在集团管理价值105亿美元的小盘股。大家或许都没听说过他主要的投资对象——比如贝里石油(Berry Petroleum)和云服务公司j2 Global等。不过,他在金融危机期间选择的投资对象使得其两只共同基金在过去五年的表现超过了一大批竞争对手。他的成功秘诀是什么呢?那就是避免分心。他没有语音信箱,每天大部分时间都是静静地坐在办公室里研究几十家公司。如果他可以给20岁时的自己提供一个建议,它或许会是:买进苹果公司(Apple)股票。 |
12. Chuck Myers • Age:37 • Title:Portfolio Manager • Company:Fidelity Investments
Myers is a bright star at Fidelity, where he manages $10.5 billion in small-cap stocks. You've probably never heard of his top holdings—companies like Berry Petroleum and j2 Global. But his picks during the financial crisis have driven his two mutual funds to outperform all but a handful of competitors over the past five years. His secret? Avoiding distractions. He doesn't have voicemail and spends most days inside his quiet office studying dozens of companies. Advice he would have given his 20-year-old self: Buy Apple. |