15. 莱恩•麦金尼 • 年龄:38 • 职务:总裁 • 任职公司:Visa公司
对于职业生涯来说,34岁可谓是“高龄”了。麦金尼便是在34岁时成了摩根大通消费银行业务部负责人,管理76,000名员工,并成为这家大型银行高管委员会最年轻的一员。今年早些时候,他离开摩根大通,成为Visa公司总裁。期待他能带来一些改变:当他接管摩根大通消费银行业务部时,这家银行的大通分支机构在消费者满意度方面垫底。他的解决方案是:把所有区域经理集合到一个房间,在一个半小时内用扩音器播放消费者的投诉。之后,大通的满意度排名一路上升。麦金尼在加州马林郡与伊根、奎恩和斯隆交流时说道:“关键是要聆听来自一线的声音。” |
15. Ryan McInerney • Age:38 • Title:President • Company:Visa
By the ripe old age of 34, McInerney had risen to head J.P. Morgan Chase's consumer-banking division, overseeing 76,000 employees and becoming the youngest member of the megabank's executive committee. Earlier this year he left to become president of Visa. Expect him to shake things up: When he took over consumer banking at J.P. Morgan, its Chase branches trailed in consumer satisfaction. His fix: Gather all district managers in one room and play customers' complaints over a loudspeaker for an hour and a half. By the time he left, Chase had climbed in the rankings. "It's all about listening to the front line," says McInerney, in Marin County, Calif., with Egan, Quinn, and Sloan. |