17. 罗斯•马丁 • 年龄:39 • 职务:创意公司Scratch高级副总裁 • 任职公司:维亚康姆媒体网络公司
理智的诗人、运动鞋收藏爱好者罗斯•马丁成为维亚康姆公司(Viacom Media Networks)针对音乐电视(MTV)时代的品牌创新者。马丁在电影业从业近十年时间后,应维亚康姆公司邀请成为校园音乐电视节目(MTVU)的负责人。他在维亚康姆成立了一个内部营销实验室,即今天的Scratch,与大品牌合作,推出各种吸引千禧一代的新鲜营销方式。他说:“年轻人正在把这些公司变成他们所希望的样子。”
17. Ross Martin • Age:39 • Title:EVP, Scratch • Company:Viacom Media Networks
This cerebral, sneaker-collecting poetry major became Viacom's brand innovator for the MTV generation. After nearly a decade in film, Martin was recruited by Viacom as head of programming for MTVU. There he founded what is now called Scratch, an in-house marketing laboratory that partners with megabrands to come up with fresh ways to reach millennials. "Young people are turning these companies into what they want them to be," he says. |