18. 凯瑟琳•拉卡维拉 • 年龄:38 • 职务:法务部总监 • 任职公司:谷歌
谷歌在智能手机大战中的秘密武器久是律师拉卡维拉。拉卡维拉于2005年加入谷歌,成立了谷歌的知识产权诉讼团队,还制定了有侵略性的防守策略。2012年,甲骨文(Oracle)起诉安卓系统侵犯知识产权一案中,谷歌胜诉(甲骨文已提起上诉),拉卡维拉居功至伟;在对维亚康姆漫长的版权诉讼中,她的团队两度获得胜利;此外,在2012年谷歌以125亿美元收购摩托罗拉移动部门(Motorola Mobility)的交易中,她也提供了法律建议。今年六月,在她的努力下,谷歌公司与美国电视录制技术公司(TiVo)达成了价值4.9亿美元的多方和解。 |
18. Catherine Lacavera
• Age:38 • Title:Director of Litigation • Company:Google
Google's secret weapon in the smartphone wars is attorney Lacavera, who joined the company in 2005 and has built Google's intellectual-property litigation team and established its aggressive defense strategy. She oversaw Google's 2012 victory over Oracle's IP attack on Android (Oracle has appealed); twice her team has triumphed against Viacom in long-running copyright litigation; and she also advised on Google's $12.5 billion Motorola Mobility acquisition in 2012. In June she negotiated a $490 million multiparty settlement with TiVo. |