22. 萨姆•亚根 • 年龄:36 • 职务:联合创始人和CEO • 任职公司:婚恋公司Match
亚根和他的朋友们在哈佛大学(Harvard)创立了颇受欢迎的学习指导公司SparkNotes,最后以3,000万美元将公司出售。他们后来又创建了一项文件共享服务,并迅速扩大规模,但最终为了避免官司而被迫关闭。2003年,他和朋友们认为,可以建一个免费网站,来与eHarmony和Match.com等约会网站竞争。于是,他们创建了OkCupid,并率先使用在线约会数据挖掘技术。2011年,他们以9,000万美元的价格将这个网站出售给互联网公司IAC旗下的Match.com。去年秋天,亚根成为Match公司的CEO。目前,许多公司都在使用OkCupid网站庞大的社交信息。自称是内向性格的亚根与高中时的恋人结成连理。目前,在发展迅速的婚恋行业(规模约20亿美元),他被认为是最高权威。 |
22. Sam Yagan • Age:36 • Title:Co-Founder and CEO, OKCupid, CEO, Match Inc. • Company:
At Harvard, Yagan and friends created the popular study guide SparkNotes and sold it for $30 million. Then they made a file-sharing service and scaled it fast before shutting down to avoid going to court. In 2003 he and the same friends thought they could make a free alternative to dating sites eHarmony and Match.com, so they created OkCupid, which pioneered the use of data mining in online dating. They sold it to IAC's Match.com in 2011 for $90 million, and last fall Yagan was made CEO of Match Inc. Other companies now use OkCupid's vast trove of social data, and Yagan, a self-professed introvert who is married to his high school sweetheart, stands as the foremost authority in a fast-growing $2 billion industry. |