13. 特拉维斯•卡兰尼克 • 年龄:37 • 职务:联合创始人兼CEO • 任职公司:打车应用公司Uber
感谢卡兰尼克及其联合创始人盖瑞特•坎普,城市居民再也不必站在路边甩着胳膊打车。通过他们开发的智能手机应用Uber,用户只需点击虚拟地图就可以召唤私家车或出租车,还可在地图上跟踪司机的估计到达时间。目前,从纽约到中国台北,Uber已经开始在42个城市提供打车服务,而且依然在延续扩张的步伐,虽然监管机构对此仍存有异议:新一轮2.58亿美元的融资使这家公司的市值达到了34亿美元。 |
13. Travis Kalanick • Age:37 • Title:Co-Founder and CEO • Company:Uber
City dwellers don't have to flail their arms to hail a taxi thanks to Kalanick and co-founder Garrett Camp. Their smartphone app Uber lets users summon a black car or cab with a tap on a virtual map and track the driver's ETA. Uber is already available in 42 cities, from New York to Taipei, and isn't slowing down, despite noise from regulators: A new round of $258 million in funding values it at $3.4 billion. |