14. 亚伦•李维 • 年龄:28 • 职务:联合创始人兼CEO • 任职公司:云存储公司Box
2005年,李维在寝室内创办了Box公司。之后,他一直穿着红色运动鞋四处奔波,努力让全世界相信,他的企业软件非常出色。他这种布道式的策略似乎非常有效。Box针对公司推出的文件共享服务吸引了超过180,000家企业客户,其中包括宝洁(P&G)和丰田汽车(Toyota)。今年,这家公司的销量预计将翻一番。而为了促进海外销量,李维在巴黎、伦敦和慕尼黑都开设了办事处。目前,这家公司已经融资约3亿美元,许多人认为,它或许将于明年上市。有意思的是:某年夏天,谷歌、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和纳普斯特(Napster)都拒绝了李维的实习申请。 |
14. Aaron Levie • Age:28 • Title:Co-Founder and CEO • Company:Box
Ever since he started Box in his dorm room in 2005, Levie has been running around (in bright red sneakers) trying to convince the world that enterprise software is cool. It appears his evangelistic approach is working. Box's file-sharing service for companies has amassed over 180,000 corporate customers, including P&G and Toyota. Sales are on track to more than double this year, and Levie has opened offices in Paris, London, and Munich to help boost sales overseas. The company has raised close to $300 million in funding, and many say it may go public sometime next year. Fun fact: In one summer Levie was rejected by Google, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers (phew!), and Napster (phew!) for internships. |