

Benjamin Snyder 2014年07月01日


    缅因州零售巨头宾永(L.L. Bean)在2012年,也就是这家公司成立100周年时决定使用品牌宣传车。有什么庆祝方式比制造一辆巨型靴子车更好呢?但这还不算完。有什么比一辆巨型靴子车还好呢?那就是两辆巨型靴子车。宾永在电子邮件中表示,第一辆靴子车现在有了一位“灵魂伴侣”。公司发言人称:“原来的靴子车那么受欢迎,所以我们觉得我们应该有一双靴子车。新的靴子车将和原来的那辆靴子车一起在国内巡游,面向所有年龄层次的人推广健康、积极的户外生活。”

3.The L.L. Bean Bootmobile

    For Maine retail giant L.L. Bean, the decision to go mobile came in 2012 during the store’s 100thanniversary. And what better way to celebrate than make a car in the shape of a giant shoe? But that’s not all. What’s better than one giant shoe-shaped car? Two giant shoe-shaped cars. L.L. Bean said via email that the first boot now has a “sole mate.” According to a company spokesman, “the original L.L.Bean Bootmobile was so popular we decided we should have a pair.” He added, “The new Bootmobile will travel the country, along with the original, promoting a healthy, active outdoor lifestyle for people of all ages.”

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