
苹果公司(Apple)声称,三星(Samsung)“继续在市场上销售仿制产品”。于是苹果在周五再度向圣何塞联邦法院起诉另外21款“侵权产品”,其中包括三星的热销产品Galaxy S III和Galaxy Note。 此次起诉对苹果在二月份一项诉讼的内容进行了修改。就在一周前,三星刚刚遭遇重击,硅谷一家法院的陪审团裁定,运行谷歌安卓操作系统的三星旧款设备侵犯了苹果专利,应赔偿苹果10.5亿美元。 而苹果此次起诉的对象则是三星在2011年8月到2012年8月期间发布的另外21款安卓手机与平板电脑,其中包括Galaxy S III与Galaxy Note。苹果将此案称为“新诉讼”,以免和其称为“先前的案子”混淆。 Galaxy Note是一款5.3英寸超级平板手机,在这款产品的电视广告中,三星继续将矛头对准iPhone手机,讽刺排队购买最新苹果产品的愚忠果粉。 而三星六月份推出的Galaxy S III“旗舰版”智能手机,一直颇受好评,并迅速热销。科技资讯网CNET将该款手机评为编辑推荐级别。据三星称,在不到一个月时间内,Galaxy S III手机的销量就达到了1,000万台,让三星和安卓一跃超过苹果和iOS,成为今年夏天新的智能手机市场领头羊。 这次,苹果起诉三星另外21款产品侵犯了另外八项苹果专利。根据起诉书,这八项专利分别是: • '647 —— 在计算机生成数据的框架上执行动作的系统与方法 • '959 —— 计算机系统内检索信息的通用界面 • '721 —— 在解锁图像上通过手势为设备解锁 • '172 —— 提供文字建议的方法、系统与图形用户界面 • '760 —— 移动多功能设备未接电话管理 • '502 —— 域级别使用历史列表的图形用户界面 • '414 —— 多设备间不同数据的同步 • '604 —— 计算机系统内检索信息的通用界面 该案暂定在2014年3月开庭审理。 苹果公司内部人士制作了一份pdf版的修订起诉书,可点击此处查看。
译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Claiming that Samsung has "continued to flood the market with copycat products," Apple (AAPL) on Friday asked a federal court in San Jose for a new jury trial to rule on 21 more "infringing products" -- including Samsung's best-selling Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note. The filing, an amendment to a suit filed in February, comes one week to the day after a Silicon Valley jury socked Samsung with $1.05 billion in damages for infringing Apple patents with a wave of older devices running Google's (GOOG) Android operating system. The new case -- not to be confused with what Apple now refers to as "the Earlier Case" -- targets 21 more Android phones and tablets released by Samsung between August 2011 and August 2012, chief among them the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note. The Note is the 5.3-inch hybrid tablet/phone with which Samsung attacked the iPhone in TV ads mocking the diehard fans who queue up for latest Apple product. The "flagship" Galaxy S III smartphone, introduced in June, was particularly well reviewed -- CNETawarded it an Editor's Choice rating -- and sold briskly. According to Samsung, it took the company less than a month to sell 10 million units, helping vault Samsung -- and Android -- well ahead of Apple and iOS in this summer's race for smartphone supremacy. The amended complaint charges that with these 21 products, Samsung has infringed on eight additional Apple patents. They are, according to the filing: • '647 -- system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer generated data • '959 -- universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system • '721 -- unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image • '172 -- method, system and graphical user interface for providing word recommendations • '760 -- missed telephone call management for a portable multifunction device • '502 -- graphical user interface using historical lists with field classes • '414 -- asynchronous data synchronization amongst devices • '604 -- universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system The trial is tentatively scheduled for March 2014. AppleInsider has made a pdf of the amended complaint available here. |