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我职场生涯的初期碰到过一位很强硬的老板。她从心底里是为我好,但她非常苛刻。有一次她把我拉到一边说:“有时我感觉你根本完成不了项目,总是会留下一些尾巴。你开始做得不错,但总是不能善始善终。”天啊,这就是她对我的印象,怎么会这样!我的第一直觉是她错了——我完成了。最好的建议有时也是最令人痛苦的建议,你必须信赖给出建议的这个人。挨了批评就得问问自己,这个意见是否中肯。就上面这个例子而言,它让我那么难受,是因为我的老板是对的。这次谈话后,我参加了专门的课程,学习我欠缺的技能,这样我再也没有借口不完成项目了。如今,在我心底里,我总是自问:“我越过终点线了吗?” |
Beth Comstock SVP and CMO of General Electric Very early in my career, I had a tough boss. She had my best interests at heart, but she was a pretty critical person. She once pulled me aside and said, "Sometimes I feel like you just can't finish things. You start well, but you don't finish." Boy, I hated that that was her impression of me. My first instinct was, She's wrong -- I finish things. But the best advice is often the most painful advice, and you have to trust the person who's giving it to you. When you get criticism, ask yourself if it's relevant. In this instance the reason it hurt so much was that my boss was right. After our conversation, I took special classes to give me skills that I didn't quite have, so I couldn't use anything as an excuse to not finish a project. Now, in the back of my mind, I'm always asking, "Did I cross the finish line?" |