

Caroline Fairchild 2014-02-28


    • 危机:配方奶粉遭到抵制

    • 时间:20世纪70年代

    1974年,一家反贫困慈善机构在它出版的小册子里指责雀巢公司(Nestlé)让生活在发展中国家的妈妈们对婴儿配方奶粉产生了不必要的依赖性。这个机构甚至还说,西式婴幼儿奶粉是造成婴儿夭折的罪魁祸首。《纽约时报》(New York Times)1981年刊登文章指出,许多家庭用受到污染的水过度稀释配方奶粉,造成儿童无法吸收应有的营养。同一时期的研究结果表明,哺乳对婴儿来说更加健康。这些因素给雀巢带来了一场重大灾难,它的产品在全世界都遭到了抵制。身为食品饮料行业巨擘,雀巢的应对措施是向妈妈们提供指导,告诉她们怎样以及什么时候给宝宝们喝配方奶粉。面对雀巢广告把产品推向妈妈们的指责,这家公司的高层还重新制作了营销材料。现在,关于婴儿配方奶粉的争论仍然很激烈。但营销及咨询公司UBIC Consulting的研究显示,婴儿配方奶粉市场依然在继续增长,特别是在亚洲。


    • Crisis: Formula boycott

    • Year: 1970s

    In 1974, an anti-poverty charity published a booklet accusing Nestlé of getting mothers living in developing countries unnecessarily addicted to baby formula. The organization even went so far as claiming that babies were dying because of the Western-style infant milk. A New York Times article published in 1981 uncovered that many families were over-diluting the formula with contaminated water preventing children from absorbing the proper nutrients. During the same period, research came out indicating that breastfeeding was healthier for babies. All of this created a major disaster for Nestlé, and the company faced boycotts around the world. The food and beverage giant reacted by issuing guidelines for mothers about how and when to give babies formula. Nestlé officials also completely remade their marketing materials to deal with complaints that advertisements were pushing products on mothers. Today, the debate over baby formula remains heated. However, the market is still growing, particularly in Asia, according to research from UBIC Consulting.
